
Two wooden churches have been declared historical and architectural monuments. The first one is 'The birth of Virgin Mary ' Church on the hill, built in 1364and is the oldest church in Maramures. It is built from pine and fir wood with small windows, double roof and a single, impressive steeple. The paintings are original, dating from the 15th -16th century and their condition is relatively good. The church also has a collection of glass painted icons. Inside, the stairs to the tower are carved in one piece of wood.'Zbornicul' or ' The Book of Laws' was discovered in the attic , unique in the country and the oldest manuscript in the Romanian language printed in 1543 in Brasov. The second church was erected in 1699 and is called the Church in the Valley. Built in "Maramures gothic" style, the church is also called the "Wooden Cathedral".

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